Thursday, March 27, 2008

"The apology" Stanley Tookie Williams

Yes I think that Tookie was truly sorry for his crimes and that he redemmed it. Also he he did show that he was sorry by saying "sorry" .He didn't expect the Crips to end up ruining the lives of so many young people, especially young black men who have hurt other young black men.

Also he said "So today I apologize to you all -- the children of America and South Africa -- who must cope every day with dangerous street gangs. I no longer participate in the so-called gangster lifestyle, and I deeply regret that I ever did." He finally said Amani (Peace).

Friday, February 1, 2008

I would be scared because i dont want to die. I think that i would say yes because in the diary number 33 it says that you can not go against your own people your own blood. I would have to risk my life
i would relate to diary # 9 because it talks about how the boy is ask to draw about their neighborhood and i been ask that same questions severalf times. It was easy because you had to draw and not write. I really think that violence comes from gangs.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

i remember that when I was in fifth grade i was the smallest student and the others were very tall. But now i know that size doesnt matter. In middle school in AES l I was very quiet because i didn't know any people. The next day i didn't want to come back. I was very happy on elementary because they were all mexicans and treated me well.
I was been made to babysit this boy and i was very mad because i felt like a stupid babysitter. Althought i made some money.
My definition to rebel is to be wild.
I think some people are rebel because they are they do stupid stuff.
Like DR. Steve O. He does wild things.
Yes violence do solve problem you get watt you want.